Today was a Fail.

I didn't get to go to the semplanning. What happened to my Show Up! motto? Very depressing. The day was spent surfing the net - and sending out job opportunity inquiries. To government institutions, such as NCCA, NHI, and DOT. I hope at least one of them replies. Positively.

I really want to work for the government now. Make an impact. Somehow. Haha asa naman. I wonder when the time will be that working in the government - such as these institutions - would be highly revered? The teachers, too, especially the public ones. Teaching should be promoted, forget call centers. I've read that schoolchildren in Ireland score well in academic exams because of their highly competent teachers, that parents don't need to do much tutoring at home. Unfortunately that isn't the case in the Philippines. Far from it. I'm envisioning a time when public school teaching would be in the same league as doctors or lawyers, especially salary-wise. Education is of supreme importance after all.

I've digressed a while there. Back to government - working in the government should be such a privilege that one shouldn't dare to abuse. Imagine the power of these institutions! And yet everything's mired in corruption and laziness.

I believe there are public servants who are not corrupt, and more importantly, resist corruption, and really want to work for the development of the country. And I want to be one of them. I'm going to be. Let's bring trust - AND EXCELLENCE  - to the government.

Posted by writesomethinganything on May 26, 2011 at 11:01 PM | Add a Comment
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